Over 25 years of experience in personal injury law

Since 1992 Vince Bruner has devoted his practice solely to work as a Plaintiff's personal injury lawyer, dedicated to assisting people injured in accidents.

Fort Walton Beach Attorney for Car Accidents Caused by Disobeying Traffic Laws

Traffic laws exist to protect all of us. We can’t use a road safely if we’re not all following the same rules. But when someone decides the rules don’t apply to them, what are your options?

If a negligent driver disobeying traffic laws injures you or someone you love, you should consider speaking to the Fort Walton Beach automobile car attorneys at The Bruner Law Firm. We have decades of experience helping Florida residents get monetary compensation for their injuries through personal injury claims and lawsuits. Call us today at (850) 243-2222 for a free consultation, and let us review your case to determine whether you’re eligible. Don’t let a negligent driver decide your fate. Reach out online, or call us today at (850) 243-2222.

young man being pulled over

Why Do I Need an Attorney for My “Disobeying Traffic Laws” Accident?

Obtaining compensation through personal injury claims or lawsuits is a complex undertaking best done with the help of a qualified attorney. You’re able to file a claim yourself, but hiring an attorney to assist can make sure your claim is complete, supported by evidence, and backed up by facts. Not hiring a lawyer to help can mean more work and less compensation for you.

Your attorney will handle all work associated with your claim. We will interview eyewitnesses to obtain corroborating testimony, retain expert witnesses if necessary, and gather all the documentation and evidence needed to support your claim. This may include medical records, accident reports, or even police records. We know where to find this information because we’ve done this many times before, and we can show you how.

Compensation is usually obtained through the responsible party’s insurance company. Dealing with insurance adjusters immediately following a severe accident can be challenging, especially when their goal is to provide as little compensation as possible for your injuries. Your attorney will lead the way as your chief negotiator. We will be the first point of contact for all business related to your accident. This means dealing with insurance adjusters who might use dishonest tactics or try to take advantage of your inexperience with the claims process.

Knowing how much compensation to demand is crucial. In personal injury claims, you can be compensated for the mental toll of an accident and injury as well as for the financial costs. Your attorney can review previous case law for comparison and help you calculate a settlement amount that adequately covers all your losses, not just the ones you can see.

Why Hire The Bruner Law Firm to Represent Me?

Finding the right firm for your needs is essential if you want good results. There are many options for personal injury representation in Fort Walton Beach, but you know you’re going with the best when you choose us to represent you.

Our success record is evidence of that. We certainly don’t win every case we take on, but with hundreds of millions in settlements and awards collected since 1992, we don’t lose many either. We’re proud to say our clients choose us because we get the positive outcomes they demand.

We are a family-run firm, and when you’re here, you’ll be treated like family. We recognize that our clients come to us during a difficult time in their lives and are looking for support and guidance. We gladly provide it. While we work diligently to get you the help you need, you’ll be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion.

If you’d like to hear from some of our past clients, head to our Testimonials page to learn more.

personal injury law

How Do Personal Injury Claims Work?

We help our clients get monetary compensation for losses they incur in accidents caused by another party. The money they need can be obtained through personal injury claims, and in some cases, personal injury lawsuits.

A personal injury (PI) claim is like other types of insurance claims. We would help you demand compensation from the insurance company for losses you’ve suffered due to their customer’s negligence.

The theory of negligence is critical in PI law. We must show with evidence that the responsible party had a requirement to behave in a way that doesn’t harm others. We must then show they breached that requirement, caused an accident, and that the accident caused your injuries. If we can gather evidence to prove these elements, we should have a valid compensation claim.

We will start by asking you about the accident and the circumstances leading up to it and then investigate how it happened. We will gather evidence to support your recollection of events and prove the responsible party was at fault. We will then compose a demand letter in your name and submit it to the insurance company, formally starting the claims process. A demand letter is a document intended to begin to resolve disputes. The letter will outline your losses and what payment you expect in return.

The insurance company will then complete their investigation into the accident to assess your claim’s validity. If they believe your claim is correct, they will offer a settlement, a cash payment intended to resolve the dispute and induce you to drop your legal claim against their customer. If you and your attorney think the settlement amount is adequate, you take your payment, and the process ends.

If the insurance company decides against paying your claim or offers you a nuisance settlement amount, your attorney will attempt to negotiate a better settlement for you. A nuisance settlement is a cash payment provided as a consolation rather than as actual compensation for your losses. If negotiations fail, your attorney may recommend moving forward with a lawsuit against the responsible party directly.

A lawsuit can be a powerful tool for getting the help you need, but it can also be a liability. Once you file a suit, you may lose the option of a settlement, and the final decision about whether you receive compensation is placed before a judge or jury. They may issue a judgment against you, and you would receive nothing. They may also decide in your favor and award your total requested amount. There’s no way to determine the outcome of a lawsuit. Your lawyer will work hard to get you the best possible result.

Call The Bruner Law Firm Today

If you’ve suffered an injury due to a negligent driver who disobeyed traffic laws, don’t wait any longer to contact us. We can help you get the fair and just compensation you deserve. Call us today at (850) 243-2222 for a free consultation, and get on the road to recovery.

Written by Vincent Michael Last Updated : June 29, 2023

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