Santa Rosa Beach Uber Accident Lawyer

Since 1992 Vince Bruner has devoted his practice solely to work as a Plaintiff's personal injury lawyer, dedicated to assisting people injured in accidents.

Santa Rosa Beach Uber Accident Lawyer

If you were hurt in an Uber accident someone else caused, you could be eligible to get money for your injuries and losses. Do not hesitate to contact the Santa Rosa Beach Uber accident lawyers from The Bruner Law Firm for more information. We could help you hold the negligent party liable and recover the compensation you deserve. 

Many people depend on Ubers to get to their destinations safely. They’re convenient transportation methods when driving isn’t an option. However, the drivers can endanger their passengers and others’ safety.

At The Bruner Law Firm, we know the long-lasting consequences of a car accident. We have represented injured clients since 1992. Let us do the same for you. Call us at (850) 608-8715 for a free consultation with a Santa Rosa Beach Uber accident attorney to learn more about how we can help. 

Common Ways You Might Be Involved in an Uber Accident

An Uber driver can be responsible for an accident, injuring their passengers or the occupants of other vehicles. You can be involved in an Uber accident in numerous ways, including:

  • As a passenger – You can hold your Uber driver liable for your injuries if they cause a collision.
  • As another vehicle occupant – If you’re in another car when the crash occurs, you might be able to pursue compensation from the Uber driver if they are at fault.
  • As a pedestrian or bicyclist – Non-motorists can also be involved in accidents with Uber drivers. You might be able to pursue action even if you’re not their passenger. 

Common Causes of Uber Accidents

Uber drivers aren’t professional chauffeurs. They don’t get any additional training to do their jobs. Any Uber driver can get distracted, intentionally violate traffic laws, or make a mistake that injures others.

Uber accidents commonly result from errors such as:

  • Fatigued driving – Although it seems like a minor issue, driver fatigue can lead to catastrophic accidents. Fatigue reduces reaction time, limits focus and attention, and impairs decision-making skills.
  • Failure to obey traffic signs and signals – Stoplights, yield signs, and other signs and signals are necessary to direct traffic. Drivers, pedestrians, and other road users must follow them to avoid accidents. An Uber driver might run a stop sign or red light, crashing into a car in their path.
  • Tailgating – A motorist doesn’t have much time to bring their car to a complete stop if they follow another vehicle too closely. Tailgating is risky behavior that increases the likelihood of a rear-end collision and severe injuries.
  • Unsafe lane changes – Drivers must always use turn signals, check their blind spots, and merge into other lanes carefully. An Uber driver might swerve into the next lane, sideswiping a nearby car.
  • Speeding – High-speed accidents can have deadly consequences. Speeding increases the force produced by a vehicle during a collision. The impact can crumple a car like a piece of paper and trap the occupants inside.
  • Failure to yield – Yielding the right of way is required by law under specific circumstances. An Uber driver might proceed ahead of a pedestrian at a crosswalk, striking them with their vehicle.
  • Distracted driving – You might picture someone texting when thinking about distracted driving. Although it’s among the most common distractions, anything that redirects a motorist’s attention, eyes, or hands prevents them from focusing solely on driving.
  • Driving under the influence – Drugs and alcohol interfere with driving abilities. Drivers are more likely not to notice hazardous conditions or stopped traffic with intoxicating substances in their system.

Compensation for Injuries in an Uber Accident

Every motor vehicle with a current Florida registration must have at least $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. PIP covers 80% of medical expenses and 60% of lost wages. It also reimburses the cost of obtaining replacement services, such as household work and childcare, up to the policy limits.

You must file a claim with your PIP insurer even if the Uber driver caused the crash. If you don’t have PIP coverage, you could file a claim with the Uber driver’s PIP coverage insurer. Under a PIP policy, you should receive coverage equal to the total policy limit if your doctor determines your injury constitutes an emergency medical condition (EMC). An EMC means your injury causes significantly severe acute symptoms that can reasonably lead to a medical condition such as:

  • Serious impairment to bodily functions;
  • Serious jeopardy to health; or
  • Serious dysfunction of a bodily organ or part.

If your injury doesn’t qualify as an EMC, your PIP insurer will limit you to $2,500 in coverage. 

You can go after the Uber driver and file an injury claim or lawsuit after you exhaust your PIP limits and meet the serious injury threshold. That means your injury wholly or partly involves one of these medical issues:

  • Permanent and significant loss of a vital bodily function
  • Permanent and significant disfigurement or scarring
  • A permanent injury within a reasonable degree of medical probability, except disfigurement or scarring

Uber provides liability insurance for Uber drivers who cause accidents. Uber won’t cover your losses if an Uber driver is at fault for a crash while their app is turned off or offline.

You can file a claim with the insurance company if either of these circumstances applies to the driver:

  • During trips and en route to pick up passengers – Up to $1,000,000 in third-party liability insurance (file a claim with Uber’s insurance)
  • Available or waiting for a ride request – Third-party liability insurance with $50,000 for bodily injury and $25,000 for property damage (file a claim with the driver’s insurance and Uber’s insurance if the driver’s policy has insufficient coverage)

What Can I Be Compensated For After My Uber Accident?

You can recover compensation for multiple losses whether you file a third-party claim or lawsuit against the Uber driver, such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Hospital stays, diagnostic tests, physical therapy, and other medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Lost future earnings
  • Emotional distress
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Property damage

Statute of Limitations for an Uber Accident Lawsuit

Santa Rosa Beach Uber Accident LawyerYou can sue the Uber driver if you’re within the required timeframe. The statute of limitations in Florida allows a two-year timeframe to file suit. That means you must file your lawsuit within two years of the crash date to hold the negligent driver liable in court.

Injured in an Uber Accident? Seek Justice with The Bruner Law Firm

An Uber accident can derail your life and create various challenges. You might be unable to continue your regular routine if your injury is severe or debilitating. That can prevent you from working and lead to crushing medical debt.

At The Bruner Law Firm, we understand the difficult journey ahead. Let us relieve your burden by handling every aspect of your case so you can focus on recovering. Call us at (850) 608-8715 for a free consultation with a Santa Rosa Beach Uber accident lawyer if an Uber driver caused your injuries in a crash.

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Written by Vincent Michael Last Updated : September 18, 2023

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