Santa Rosa Beach Construction Accident Lawyers

Since 1992 Vince Bruner has devoted his practice solely to work as a Plaintiff's personal injury lawyer, dedicated to assisting people injured in accidents.

Santa Rosa Beach Construction Accident Lawyers

Construction is typical throughout Florida. Whether working on a construction site or passing by, you may be vulnerable to construction accidents. Construction sites are usually hazardous because of the materials and equipment that are located on the site. If you were injured on a construction site and it wasn’t your fault, you deserve compensation for your losses. The Santa Rosa Beach construction accident lawyers of The Bruner Law Firm understand the toll that being injured on a construction site can take on your life and livelihood.

At The Bruner Law Firm, we fight for maximum compensation for individuals injured because of another person’s wrongdoing. To discuss your legal options during a free consultation, contact us online or at (850) 608-8715.

Causes of Construction Accidents

Due to the dangerous nature of construction sites, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires construction site employers to conduct regular inspections and implement safety programs to limit injuries on the construction site, among other things. The common causes of construction accidents include:

  • Improper maintenance and use of equipment
  • Exposure to toxic substances and materials
  • Failure to adhere to safety programs and procedures
  • Misuse of construction tools
  • Improper training
  • Falling objects

Furthermore, If you are the victim of a construction site accident, it is likely you sustained a serious injury or injuries, such as:

Whether working on the construction site, visiting the site, or just passing by, you deserve compensation for your injuries and losses. You do not need to prove fault when pursuing a workers’ compensation lawsuit. However, if you weren’t an employee when you were injured, you need to file an insurance claim or pursue a personal injury lawsuit to obtain compensation. In either case, you must establish that someone else was at fault for your injuries. The Santa Rosa Beach construction accident lawyers at The Bruner Law Firm are prepared to help file the required lawsuit.

Workers’ Compensation After a Santa Rosa Beach Construction Accident

In Florida, most employers must carry workers’ compensation insurance to protect themselves and their employees. Workers’ compensation insurance aims to provide medical and lost wage benefits to employees when injured at work. Moreover, they provide benefits regardless of who caused the accident.

Medical benefits cover all necessary medical expenses to treat your injuries, including:

  • Doctor’s visits
  • Hospital stays
  • Medications
  • Surgeries
  • Protheses
  • Physical therapy

Types of Disability

Lost wage benefits cover a portion of the employee’s lost wages resulting from the construction site accident. The amount of benefits you receive depends on how restrictive and permanent your injuries are:

Temporary Total Disability: If you temporarily cannot work because of your injuries, you will qualify for temporary total disability benefits. Under this benefit structure, you should receive 66 2/3 of your average weekly wage for a period not to exceed 104 weeks in most cases.

Temporary Partial Disability: If you can work but with restrictions because of your workplace injuries, you will receive temporary partial disability benefits. Under this benefit structure, you will receive 80 percent of the difference between 80 percent of your average weekly wage and your post-injury wage, not to exceed  66 2/3 percent of your average weekly wage.

Permanent Total Disability: If you are permanently unable to work because of workplace injuries, you will receive permanent total disability benefits. These benefits are equal to 66 2/3 percent of your average weekly wage and will continue until you reach age 75.

Deadline for Filing Workers’ Compensation in Florida

In Florida, you must notify your employer of your injury or illness within 30 days and file a workers’ compensation claim within two years of the injury. The notification deadline may be extended if:

  • Your employer knew about your injury
  • The cause of the injury was unknown and could not be determined without medical input

An experienced Santa Rosa Beach construction accident attorney at The Bruner Law Firm will be able to review your case and determine when you need to notify your employer and file your claim for it to be viable.

Non-Work-Related Injuries in Construction Accidents

If you were not working on the construction site or were injured by someone who was not your employer or co-worker, you may be able to file a third-party lawsuit against the at-fault party. Third-party construction accident claims in Florida are governed by the same rules as personal injury cases. Therefore, the following third parties may be liable for construction accidents:

  • Property owners
  • Manufacturers of defective equipment
  • Subcontractors
  • Architect or engineer who designed a faulty structure
  • Drivers going through or near the construction site

Unlike workers’ compensation claims, you must establish fault to have a successful third-party lawsuit. Additionally, such lawsuits must be filed within four years of your date of injury. If you fail to file the lawsuit within the required timeline, you may be unable to recover compensation through the court system.

Seeking Compensation for Your Construction Accident Injuries

Santa Rosa Beach Construction Accident LawyersEvery construction site accident is different, but certain compensation can be sought in all personal injury claims. The common compensation that The Bruner Law Firm seeks on behalf of victims of construction accidents are:

  • Medical costs, including charges for ambulance and emergency teams, hospitalization, medication, surgeries, follow-up care, and travel to and from the doctor’s offices;
  • Estimated future medical expenses for required ongoing treatment or permanent care;
  • Rehabilitation costs, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, mental health services, or other treatments required for your injuries;
  • Lost wages and benefits for missed work because of the injuries;
  • Estimated future lost wages and benefits when you are not able to work in the future or your earning capacity is reduced because of the injury;
  • Reduced quality of life from your injuries;
  • Pain and suffering resulting from the construction accident and;
  • Punitive damages if the construction accident resulted from someone’s gross negligence or intentional misconduct.

Contact a Santa Rosa Beach Construction Accident Attorney Today

If you were injured on a construction site, contact a skilled and knowledgeable Santa Rosa Beach construction accident attorney of The Bruner Law Firm. Our experienced Santa Rosa Beach personal injury attorneys are ready to pursue the maximum compensation available in your case. Contact us today by calling (850) 608-8715 or contacting us online for a free case evaluation.


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Written by Vincent Michael Last Updated : September 18, 2023

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