Florida House Bill 837 Update
Florida House Bill 837 is a bill that aims to reform the civil litigation system in Florida by changing how

Civil Litigation
Eglin AFB Agent Orange Exposure Lawsuit
The U.S. Department of Defense has released an updated list of locations where Agent Orange was used in the United
Civil Litigation
NFL Player Protests and the Constitution
The hottest topic in our country right now involves NFL (National Football League) Players kneeling during the United States National

Will text messages become a will?
In the UK, the Law Commission has recently proposed revised rules that would permit a deathbed text message to serve

Civil Litigation
Ohio Suing Pharmaceutical Companies For Causing Opioid Epidemic
This Wednesday the State of Ohio filed suit against five big Pharmaceutical Firms alleging that they undersold the risks of potent

Casey Anthony’s revealing interview with the Associated Press
Casey Anthony, the notorious woman charged with killing her child several years ago, has given an exclusive first-time interview with

Trump to consider appointing new Justice for Supreme Court
Judge Neil Gorsuch of Colorado—known for upholding religious rights in battles against Obamacare—has become the odds favorite for replacing the

Civil Litigation
American Museum of Tort Law
The American Museum of Tort Law has just celebrated its first year anniversary. The Museum is the child of renowned consumer

Car Accidents
Regulators to Block Apps on Smartphones while Driving
Apple iPhones and Google Android Devices may soon disable certain apps while motor vehicles are in motion. Federal Auto Safety

Galaxy Note 7 Burn Lawsuit
For the last several weeks, it seems like there has been a daily incident of yet another Samsung Galaxy Note