Defective Medical Device Lawyer in Fort Walton Beach

Since 1992 Vince Bruner has devoted his practice solely to work as a Plaintiff's personal injury lawyer, dedicated to assisting people injured in accidents.

Are you a resident of Fort Walton Beach, Florida, who’s suffering because of a defective medical device? Millions of Americans have medical devices implanted in their bodies for various reasons. Heart defibrillators, surgical meshes, and mechanical joints are just a few examples of the devices many people rely on for better health. Unfortunately, in many cases, these devices fail or get recalled due to safety concerns – but not before causing injury or death to some of the very patients they were supposed to help. If a dangerous medical device hurts you, you could be eligible for compensation for your medical bills and related losses. Contact a Fort Walton Beach defective medical device attorney for help as soon as possible.

The attorneys with The Bruner Law Firm have more than a quarter-century of experience helping people in similar positions and a track record of success that speaks for itself. We can serve as your guides and champions during your time of need. We will support you on your journey to recovery and handle every aspect of your injury case.

Contact the team at The Bruner Law Firm to discuss your defective medical device case immediately. You can call us at (850) 243-2222 or reach us via email or online chat. Your initial consultation is always free, with zero obligation to move forward until you’re ready.

Table Of Contents

    Do I Need a Defective Medical Device Attorney?

    Yes. You will need an attorney if you intend to pursue a claim against a medical device manufacturer.

    Bringing a dangerous medical device claim is not as simple as filing some paperwork and waiting for a check to arrive in the mail. A defective medical device claim is a complicated process that requires professional experience, skills, and tenacity.

    An attorney can thoroughly explain the process of filing a claim against the medical device manufacturer and then pursue that process on your behalf. They can also keep you updated through each phase of the proceedings, answering any questions you have as they arise.

    Your attorney can also conduct their own investigation to obtain the evidence necessary for your claim. This could include analyzing your medical records, speaking to your providers, and working with experts in the relevant medical field. This investigation can yield essential information about the defective and dangerous nature of the product that caused you harm.

    After conducting their factual investigation, your attorney can use the info they’ve uncovered against the parties responsible for your injuries. They can also calculate the full value of any compensation you are due for your losses. Your attorney will likely negotiate for a fair settlement from the at-fault party in exchange for dropping the case, then proceed to trial if that party won’t make a fair offer.

    Why Choose The Bruner Law Firm?

    The Bruner Law Firm is a family firm of attorneys who live and work in Okaloosa County. Our team is proud to serve people harmed by the negligence of others. We consider it a privilege to serve their community and assist our neighbors at times when they need it most.

    A lifelong resident of Okaloosa County, founder Vince Bruner graduated from Choctawhatchee High School in 1975, completed his undergraduate work at Florida State University in 1979, and received his juris doctor from the Cumberland School of Law at Samford University in 1984. While at Florida State, he played football under the legendary Bobby Bowden.

    Before dedicating his career to helping accident victims, Vince worked as an Assistant State Attorney and then as the City Attorney for Fort Walton Beach and the City of Valparaiso. Vince also served a four-year term in the Florida State Senate beginning in 1988.

    In 1992, Vince founded The Bruner Law Firm with the express goal of helping those whom others have harmed. His experience in law and government and familiarity with the Florida Panhandle allow him and his team to provide effective representation to our clients. To date, The Bruner Law Firm has recovered millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts on behalf of local injury victims and families.

    Dangerous Medical Device Cases We Handle

    Any case against the manufacturer of a dangerous medical device will involve product liability law. This legal theory holds companies liable for any injuries caused by defects in the products they put onto the market.

    When filing a product liability case against the manufacturer of a dangerous medical device, the plaintiff must prove two key factors. First, the medical device was defective, in that it did not work as intended. And second, that the defect caused the plaintiff’s injuries.

    Three main categories of product defects can give rise to product liability claims:

    • Design Defects: In these types of cases, the plaintiff must show that the device manufacturer’s design is unreasonably dangerous. A product’s design is unreasonably dangerous if it fails to perform as a reasonable consumer would expect, even if manufactured and used properly.
    • Manufacturing Defects: To prevail in this type of case, the plaintiff must prove that a safely designed product became unsafe during the manufacturing process. In other words, the medical device that left the manufacturing facility was not made as designed and was, therefore, dangerous.
    • Marketing Defects: For this type of product liability case, the plaintiff must show that the manufacturer failed to provide appropriate warnings or instructions for its product. This involves proving that the device posed foreseeable risks that the manufacturer could have reduced by including proper warning labels or user instructions.

    Common Types of Dangerous and Defective Medical Devices

    There are many different types of dangerous medical devices on the market, including the following:

    • Metal hip replacements
    • DePuy hip implants
    • Guidant defibrillators and pacemakers
    • Transvaginal and hernia meshes
    • Drug-coated stents
    • IVC blood clot filters
    • Lap bands for weight loss
    • Breast implants
    • Insulin pumps
    • Knee implants

    Any one of these devices, and many others not listed here, can cause severe harm if a defect is present. If you are a resident of Fort Walton Beach who was injured by a defective medical device, an attorney can determine if you have grounds for a lawsuit against its manufacturer and pursue your case on your behalf.

    Call the Dangerous Medical Device Attorneys at The Bruner Law Firm Now

    If you suffered harm due to a dangerous or defective medical device, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. But remember, pharmaceutical companies have the resources and the legal teams to fight lawsuits tooth and nail. The good news is that, with more than 25 years of practice in product liability law, the defective medical device lawyers with The Bruner Law Firm know how to fight, too.

    Don’t wait any longer. Your initial consultation is free, and you won’t owe us anything unless we win your case. Call The Bruner Law Firm today at (850) 243-2222 to get started.


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    Written by Vincent Michael Last Updated : October 12, 2023

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